Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

Manajemen Pemasaran

Manajemen Pemasaran Oleh:

Dr. Mohamad Dimyati, SE.M.Si.

  • Marketing Moves
  • Value Marketing

Marketing Moves
  • Marketing today are changing fast. (Price-sensitive customers, new competitores, new distribution channel, new communication channels, the internet, wireless commerce, globalization, deregulation, privatization …the list goes on.
  • It is not only markets that are changing, but the technologiies that support them:  e-commerce, e-mail, mobile phones, fax machine, sales and marketing automation, cable TV, videoconferencing.
  • It is imperative that companies think through the revolutionary impact of these new technologies. 

  • Companies also need to think through the opportunities and perils of globalization (foreign market, different in laws, language, business objectives, and supply systems).
  • Today’s major economic problem is overcapacity in most of the world’s industries.
  • Customers are scarce, not products, Demand, not supply, is problem
  • Overcapacity leads to hypercompetition, with too many goods chasing too few customers.
  • And most goods and services lack differentiation
  • The result mounting business failures 
  • The internet, technology, globalization have combined to create a new economy
  • The old economy is built on the logic of managing manufacturing industries
  • The new economy is built on the logic of managing information and information industries.
  • The new economy holds that those competitors with the best information systems and intelligence will be the winners.

  • The internet has given new capabilities to both customers and producers.
  • Previously the company had been the hunter searching for customers; now the consumer has become the hunter      
  • Today’s businesses must strive to the satisfy customer’s needs in the most convenient way, minimizing the time and energy that customers spend in searching for, ordering, and receiving goods and service.
  • Businesses must make better use of their collaborators (e.g., suppliers, distributors, employees, and community) if they hope to ensure that their customers needs are fulfilled more satisfactorily and more cost efectively.
  • Businesses need to shift from focusing on their product portfolios to focusing on their customer portfolios.
  • Today’s marketing is increasingly about customer relationship management.
  • Companies need skills in measuring customer profitability and customer lifetime value, in upselling and cross selling, and in data mining customer data bases and customizing messages and offerings.
  • Marketing Moves presents a new framework for conducting marketing strategy and operations.

  • We replace the selling concept, and the later marketing concept, with holistic marketing concept.
  • Our framework calls for integrating three types of management: demand management, resource management, and network management
  • By doing this, company can conduct its marketing activities on four platforms: market offerings, marketing activities, business architecture,  and operational system 
  • Market offerings and business architecture can be viewed as the revenue drivers, while marketing activities and operational systems can be viewed as the cost drivers.
  • Holistic marketers succeed by developing and managing a superior value network where the inputs to the offering and all outputs are integrated and delivered at a high level of quality, service, and speed. 

Value Marketing 
  • Paradigma pemasaran telah berubah.
  • Aktivitas pemasaran konvensional sudah semakin banyak ditinggalkan, dan kini banyak diwarnai oleh pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi
  • Peter Drucker melihat bahwa tujuan pesamasaran yang semula untuk memaksimalkan penjualan dan keuntungan pemegang saham telah bergeser ke penciptaan value dan kesejahteraan bagi stakeholders : karyawan, pemasok, konsumen, lingkungan masyarakat di sekitar perusahaan, disamping pemegang saham
  • Istilah value digunakan karena kegunaan dari produk dan layanan yang melekat padanya meningkat.

  • Value chain marketing merupakan pendekatan strategis untuk menghubungkan proses pemasaran dengan value dari shareholder, pelanggan, dan karyawan.
  • Dalam iklim persaingan yang tajam dewasa ini, shareholder value hanya akan dicapai melalui super customer value yang menyajikan kunggulan differensial yang kompetitif.
  • Keunggulan ini dicapai melalui tiga tahapan utama, yaitu value exploration, value creation, dan value delevery yang semuanya harus didukung oleh employee value
  • Perlu diingat bahwa kepuasan pelanggan saja belum menjamin konsumen akan loyal   
  • Laporan Harvard Business Review, tiap tahun 15 - 40% dari pelanggan yang semula puas kemudian beralih ke pesaing

  • Loyalitas ditunjukkan oleh aksi yang dilakukan pelanggan
  • Untuk itu diperlukan upaya lifelong customer retention berupa value creation dan bersifat relationship driven, diantaranya melalui terciptanya zero customer defection 
  • Value marketing mencakup tiga hal: value exploration, value creation, value delivery
  • Value exploration untuk memahami: shareholder value (dalam bentuk dividen dan harga saham), customer value (berupa atribut dan kinerja produk serta layanan), dan stakeholder value (terutama karyawan sebagai ujung tombak dalam menyapaikan nilai)
  • Value creation untuk menciptakan keunggulan kompetitif melalui functional value dan emotional value
  • Value delivery untuk meningkatkan nilai bagi pelanggan
  • Dari sisi perusahaan hasilnya tercermin pada laba dan rasio keuangan, kemampuan mendatangkan modal, posisi di pasar, pangsa pasar, serta potensi pertumbuhan 

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